

About Erina

Update - Oct. 23: Erina's adoption will be on a hold for a week or so. She has not been feeling up to par lately and we want to keep her under observation to ensure that all is well. Vet feels that she is a little older than 10, possibly 12. This little dog deserves so much more than the hand she was dealt.

Erina here and I am a 10-year-old Yorkie mix and do I have a bone to pick. I am an unclaimed stray. Let’s be real here …. I did not wander off. No one is desperately looking for me. Stray dogs are a man-made problem. At 6 lbs. I would not have survived on the street for any length of time; I was – for want of a better word – dumped! The most immature reaction to not wanting a pet is to abandon the animal. If my family cared, they would have had an I.D. collar on me or I would have been microchipped – they would not have stopped looking for me. People who truly want to find their pet and he or she is being held somewhere safe, will be reunited.

My rant is over and I am happy that Animatch has taken me under their wing. I understand they will get the job done – the task of finding me a home where humans will be committed to my care and let me spend my golden years in a safe and loving environment.

Since there is no history on me, an adult home or one where kids are over 12 would best suit me. I may need a refresher in toilet training. You know how that goes – a little patience and consistency and we’ll have me back on track in a flash.

What you see is what you get – a sweet, senior, girl who is looking for a human with whom I can share the remainder of my golden years. Can we walk this road together? Please fill in an Application Form if you have what it takes to adopt me.

Erina Is Adopted


Yorkiie x Shih Tzu




12 years


Very small (6 lbs)



Dog Friendly


Cat Friendly


Energy Level


Grooming Level


   Animatch    Animatch    Animatch    Animatch

Adoption Process

Please note that due the volume of applications, we are unable to respond to all applicants and ONLY those being considered will be contacted. We thank you for your understanding. The adoption application link is posted below and the adoption process is outlined on the website.  Animatch asks that you read the Adoptee’s bio in its entirety before applying to ensure you meet the requirements for the dog.

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