Animatch Policies

Animatch Policies

  • Animatch, is a registered charitable organization that offers canine adoption services
  • Our Goal is matching the proper pet with the appropriate home
  • It is the quality of our adoptions and not the quantity that makes for an enjoyable family experience. We offer advice and assistance.
  • An evaluation in a home environment, with the aid of our founder's family members, gives us the opportunity to properly assess the pet.
  • Adoption fees include an examination by a qualified veterinarian, vaccination, sterilization, micro chip, a treatment against fleas and a heartworm test, if required. Please see our FAQ for more information on the adoption fees.

We are always looking for volunteers. We greatly appreciate support - be it financial or donated pet supplies.

Our "Waiting List"

Animatch is pleased to offer the service of a waiting list. We are proud to offer this service, and do so to encourage waiting for the "right match" between dogs and applicants.

Some things to note:

  • All screened and approved applicants will be kept on file for a period of 2 months.
  • After this time, it is up to the applicant to re-contact us should they wish to remain on our waiting list.
  • Because of the very high percentage of abandoned dogs not being fully house trained, we regret that we cannot consider anyone as a potential guardian of one of our dogs if they are not willing to work on some house training.
  • Due to the high volume of applicants, once on our waiting list, applicants will not be contacted again until we find a suitable potential match-up.

We thank you for your understanding.

The Adoption Option

Why are these dogs at Animatch?

Our dogs become homeless for various reasons. Some have been neglected and simply discarded by their previous owners. Others become unwanted as their previous guardians become separated in divorce, gravely ill or are moved to where their pets are not welcome.

The average age of our dogs is under 2 years. Most of our dogs are small to medium sized of mixed heritage, though purebreds do appear occasionally. Their average stay at Animatch is one month before a home can be found.

These dogs are evaluated for their temperament with regards to other animals and children. All our dogs are neutered or spayed before adoption. We have a written adoption contract with details of Animatch's expectations and requirements. Our Centre offers ongoing support and lots of ready advice and experience to share with adopting guardians. We are committed to refund the adoption fee within the 15-day trial period if the adoption does not meet expectations. Animatch will take back any dog that cannot remain in its adoptive home at any point in its life with the new family.

These animals have been through the stress of separation and upsetting changes in their home environment. For a dog that has lost its beloved guardians or who has been through a rough life, you can make an incredible impact on its life by providing healing and love.

Adoptive owners of rescued dogs describe time and time again the incredible bonds formed with older companion dogs.

Animatch is exactly what the name implies:
Matching Dog to Guardian & Vise Versa.

Why adopt from us?

Helen, founder of Animatch, has ideas and concepts that are quite visionary. She has a caring way for treating these dogs. The animals mingle together in a “Living room” setting, have access to a nice big yard and are crated during the night to sleep.

Each dog is evaluated over a period of time at the center. They are checked to see how they interact with other dogs, cats and even children. A Veterinarian examines each dog that enters the center and NO dog may leave unless they are neutered/spayed and all vaccinations are up to date.

We offer a unique 15-day trial period.

Once a dog is adopted, an Animatch volunteer will do a follow-up to make sure everything is going well and to see if there are any questions or comments the new family has in regards to their new family member.

Animatch is not in a rush to place a dog;
we take the time to find the right home for all candidates.

For these and many other reasons, the success rate at Animatch is near 98%.

Animatch, is a proud member of the CFHS - the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies.