
Peppermint Patty

About Peppermint Patty

Dog, dogs, and more dogs. I hope that people who don’t get their pets sterilized understand the crisis that is going on in the dog world. Animatch, like many rescues, is doing their best to help as many as we can but there is simply no space. Shelters and pounds cannot take in more dogs (or cats), choices have to be made to make more room.

Thanks to HSI (Humane Society International), in conjunction with MAPAQ, Peppermint Patty has found her freedom. She arrived at Animatch within days of giving birth. At six years old, how many more puppies has she produced and how many of them are in stable, forever homes.

PP is quite busy raising her pups – she is a seasoned, protective Mom. She is not afraid of humans; she loves a good scratch when she is not occupied with her babies. Chances are the family that adopts her will be her first real home. We would love to see Peppermint Patty leave as soon as her pups have been adopted. She needs and deserves her own life and to be the centre of someone’s world.

If you want to make a huge difference in a deserving dogs’ life, please consider adopting Peppermint Patty. Fill in the Application Form and tell us all about yourself.

If you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem.
Spay or neuter.

Peppermint Patty Is Reserved






6 years


Large (52 lbs)



Dog Friendly


Cat Friendly


Energy Level

Medium High

Grooming Level


   Animatch    Animatch    Animatch    Animatch

Adoption Process

Please note that due the volume of applications, we are unable to respond to all applicants and ONLY those being considered will be contacted. We thank you for your understanding. The adoption application link is posted below and the adoption process is outlined on the website.  Animatch asks that you read the Adoptee’s bio in its entirety before applying to ensure you meet the requirements for the dog.

Our Latest Adoptees